Performance Reporting

Public Safety Reporting FormClark County 911 has developed a program to monitor professional conduct, procedural compliance and ensure the overall integrity of the agency is upheld to the highest standard of professionalism.

This program allows you, to voice your opinion concerning the manner in which communications was handled during any incident. If you would like to commend our personnel for their actions or address any concerns you may have, you may complete the reporting Form.

The Director and members of the 911 Operations board will review and investigate all complaints made to the agency. All complaints will be investigated thoroughly to ensure the integrity of our operations.

All information relating to an investigation is confidential.

The Executive Director and 911 Operations Review Board will take every measure to ensure the complainant is informed of the status of their complaint.

Report an EMS IssueInvestigations will normally be completed within fifteen (15) working days. Additional time may be required due to the complexity of the complaint.

Upon conclusion of each investigation, the review board will present the final conclusion of fact. The conclusion will be provided to the employee and the complainant.

The conclusion will be classified as either:

  • Unfounded
  • Allegation is false or not factual
  • Exonerated
  • Incident complained of occurred but was lawful and proper
  • Inconclusive
  • Insufficient evidence either to prove or disprove the allegation(s); or Sustained
  • The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence and/or acts of misconduct were discovered during the investigation, which were not alleged in the complaint.


Clark County Office of Emergency Communications
309 Lentz Ave
Charlestown Indiana 47111
Phone 812-406-0086
Emergencies Dial 9-1-1

